Don’t damage your plaster this winter

With the arrival of autumn, many people will be looking ahead to protecting their home in winter. Some people may have already begun turning their heating on to keep the interior nice and warm. But, you need to think about how the conditions will affect the property. In particular, you should think about the plaster. As one of the most reliable plasterers Sheffield can offer, we would love to help here.

What is the problem?

plasterers SheffieldWhen the colder weather arrives people tend to do two things; they turn the heating on more often and they close off the house. The aim is to make it warmer inside. However, both of these things can cause problems.

When you close all the windows to keep the cold air out, you are actually creating an issue. While locking the heat in, you are also reducing the ventilation. This can trap moisture inside. You will likely see it on cold spots like the windows. If you don’t address this you can experience mould, mildew, and even plaster damage.

Turning on the heating is important for keeping the property warm and comfortable. But at the same time it can dry out the interior. What this can do is cause internal materials like plaster to expand and contract. The end result is hairline cracks.

What to do?

Having to deal with plaster damage every spring can be frustrating and costly. That can leave people asking what they can do to prevent the issues in the first place. There are a few things you can try to reduce the chance of issues.

The first thing to do is keep ventilation in mind. While the temptation is to close all windows, try to avoid that. Even if you just leave them open a tiny bit it will allow ventilation. You can also use fans and other things to keep air circulating in the property.

Secondly you need to use your heating properly. Simply not turning it on won’t help as the cold can also cause problems. The solution is to keep your home at a nice stable temperature rather than let it fluctuate between periods of being really cold and really warm.

Work with expert plasterers in Sheffield

G Lee is a team that understands how annoying cracks in plaster can be, especially after a long cold winter. Luckily, in most cases they are purely cosmetic and not the sign of a serious structural problem. We can offer a fast service here to inspect any kind of cracks and suggest the right service.

So, if you want help from plasterers, Sheffield residents can always trust us. Our prices are great and our skills are hard to beat. That means you get value for money and a great finish every single time.