Don’t be so quick to get rid of your plaster

Plasterers SheffieldFor over three decades we have been providing stellar plastering services. Ours are the most experienced plasterers Sheffield has. Because of this, we have one of the most diverse client bases around. No matter how tough the project is, we will be able to offer you fantastic results.

Plasterwork is one of the leading features of older homes, but one that usually does not get the attention it deserves. It is not often that people notice their ceilings or walls unless something is wrong with them. Just because the plaster is old, it doesn’t mean you should replace it. In fact, there are plenty of convincing reasons to retain the material. Allow us to tell you why it is something worth saving.

Harder than plasterboard

To begin with, plaster is more durable than plasterboard. When you put them head to head, it is easy to tell which is the harder wall covering. Since the day the plaster was initially applied, it has been slowly morphing itself back into limestone. That means it is going to be hard and strong.


Classic plaster walls are roughly 7/8″ thick. Normally, plasterboard is 3/8″ gypsum in addition to a piece of paper on either side for a final value of 1/2″. What this means is that lime plaster wall would be almost twice as thick. If you need help from the top plasterers Sheffield has, don’t hesitate to give us a call.


As we said above, plasterboard isn’t as thick. At 1/2″ it also only has an R-value of .45. The R-value for plaster is double that so it is a superior insulator. The difference may only be small, but every little bit will help, particularly when you already have plaster there. There is no need to remove it for an inferior product.


Last but not least, lime plaster is capable of self-healing cracks. This is no magic trick however; it is merely science. Lime experiences a curing procedure known as carbonation. What this does is cause the material to continuously build and rebuild bonds between the particles. Large structural cracks won’t heal of course, but small hairline ones can with enough time.

Plasterers in Sheffield you can rely on

At G Lee Plastering, our workers apply their specialist knowledge to each service we offer. This allows us to achieve the level of quality we are known for. In addition, we use the most up to date techniques and highest quality materials.

We have a full guarantee with all of our services too. So, if you need help from the most skilled plasterers Sheffield has, feel free to speak to us. We can work in any kind of property, from period homes to new builds.